ASAPS roser det første Norwegian American Aesthetic Meeting, som fant sted i Oslo 23 oktober 2015.

Congratulations to the 1st Norwegian American Aesthetic Meeting! 
ASAPS offers its congratulations to the inaugural Norwegian American Aesthetic Meeting, held October 23, 2015 in Oslo, Norway. The meeting was a big success, with all running smoothly, and participants reported much appreciation and satisfaction with the meeting itself. A total of 146 colleagues from more than 17 countries attended. 

The Norwegian American Aesthetic Meeting thanks all who contributed to the success of the meeting, including the faculty and participants. They are eagerly applying lessons learned toward the creation of the next meeting and appreciate any insight you choose to share. The 2nd Norwegian Arnerican Aesthetic Meeting will take place in October 2017, with more details available soon.

Dr. Kalaaji Hedersgjest i Belgrad

Dr. Kalaaji ble invitert som foredragsholder på det serbiske internasjonale plastikk- og estetisk kirurgi-møtet i oktober 2023. Her holdt han en vellykket presentasjon om «Mommy

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