Klinikkens overlege har gjestet Tours i Frankrike hvor han holdt forelesning om brystforstørring med eget fett.

Background and purpose
Traditionally, fat grafting has different processing methods. We retrospectively compared aesthetic breast augmentation by machine and manual centrifugation of fat.

Since 2008, Oslo Plastikkirurgi Clinic has performed 68 breast enlargements (56 patients) using fat grafting to treat hypoplasia mammae, asymmetry, or ptotic breasts. Criteria for treatment include an alternative to implants; excessive fat; a realistic expectation of volume; no history of breast cancer; and radiographic evaluation.

Fat was machine­centrifuged in 1 group of 24 patients (27 enlargements) and manually centrifuged in another group of 32 patients (41 enlargements). Fat was harvested from the abdomen, thigh, buttocks, or knee and grafted in intersecting and parallel canals through small incisions using Coleman cannulas.

Dr. Kalaaji Hedersgjest i Belgrad

Dr. Kalaaji ble invitert som foredragsholder på det serbiske internasjonale plastikk- og estetisk kirurgi-møtet i oktober 2023. Her holdt han en vellykket presentasjon om «Mommy

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